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Timdee Eyecamp


We organized a free eye camp at a very small village called Timdee which is about 75 kilometers west of Jodhpur. It was very historic because this was the first time that a medical camp was organized in this village. We were glad that we were able to help the patients in this far flung village.

  • A total of 281 patients were examined and treated on site and 14 free cataract surgeries performed.
  • Eight more cataract patients were given dates in May for their eye surgery because of their personal extenuating circumstances

The local organizers were very warm and welcoming to our team and spared no effort to help in conducting the camp. The screening was conducted in the school building which is the only brick & mortar structure for miles around in this area. The barren arid land one sees in the first picture is the typical landscape of the western Rajasthan region.