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Resources and Eye Camps

News and Events

State of the Art Care

quality matters Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital is the regional centre for excellence in eye care for Western Rajasthan. We have the latest machines, highly-trained doctors and paramedical staff, and offer […]

News and Events

The National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey 2015-2019

Blindness was higher among illiterates (3.23%) compared to literate population. Blindness was more prevalent in the rural population as compared to urban population. 2.14% vs 1.80%

News and Events

 The Link Between Blindness and Poverty

There are 9.3 million visually impaired and 2,70,000 blind children in India, of which 75% cases are treatable,



News and Events

Free Eye Camp: Timdee

We organized a free eyecamp at a very small village called Timdee which is about 75 kilometers west of Jodhpur. It was very historic because this was the first time in living memory of the local residents that a medical camp was organized in this village.



News and Events


A total of 361 patients were treated in the camps and a total of 37 free eye surgeries were performed.

News and Events

Partnership with SEE International

Collaborations like these are part of our extraordinary efforts to eliminate preventable blindness in underserved communities; Tarabai Eyecare is so proud to be longtime partners SEE International.

News and Events

Blindness and Mental Health

Prevalence of depression amongst adults with cataract is 87.4% and the prevalence of generalised anxiety amongst adults with cataract was at 57.1 %.

Instruction Course at WOC 2024
Clinical Low Vision

At the World Ophthalmology Congress 2024 (WOC 2024), I had the rare honour of being invited to teach an hour-long instruction course on Clinical Low Vision to an international audience. As the chief instructor, I had the privilege of tailoring this course to meet the needs of a global audience. To ensure a well-rounded and fruitful experience, I invited esteemed experts Dr. Miguel Morcillo [Moorfields Eye Hospital, Dubai] and Dr. S. Natrajan [Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, Mumbai] to join me as co-instructors.

There are numerous eye diseases for which there are currently no medical or surgical treatments available to improve vision and alleviate blindness. Such patients with extremely poor residual vision are technically described as having “Low Vision.” Globally, approximately 246 million people are living with low vision. This is a huge number that far exceeds the number of patients who are totally blind.

My course on August 17, focused on equipping participants with the skills to enhance their patients’ residual vision by prescribing optical, non-optical, and non-visual devices. By doing so, they can significantly benefit a large number of their legally blind patients, restoring their functionality and enabling them to lead independent and productive lives.

The course was very well received and culminated in a lively Q&A session, where participants posed a wide variety of questions. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my co-instructors, Dr. Morcillo and Dr. Natrajan, for their invaluable contributions in making this course a resounding success.

To learn more about our non-profit work and lend a helping hand, please visit our website 

World Congress of Ophthalmology 2024
Scientific Poster Presentation

I had the privilege of participating in the World Ophthalmology Conference 2024 (WOC 2024) held from August 16 to 19 in the beautiful harbor city of Vancouver, Canada. This biennial conference is the premier ophthalmology congress globally.

At this prestigious event, two of my scientific posters were selected for presentation. I had the opportunity to defend both posters and elucidate their significance to clinical ophthalmologists.

The first poster focused on the treatment of diffuse surface cancer of the eye, known as OSSN. I demonstrated how treatment with Interferon eye drops can achieve complete resolution without the need for extensive surgery and grafting procedures. The use of topical Interferon leads to the complete regression of the cancer, leaving behind a pristine cornea and a healthy ocular surface.

The second poster addressed the issue of artificial lenses implanted during cataract surgery that turn white and opaque over time, often mistaken for cataracts in resource-poor settings. Through special tests such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), our group discovered that these lenses are coated with calcium deposits, causing the opacification. The poster also provided insights on preventing misdiagnosis and replacing these lenses with new ones.

To learn more about our non-profit work and lend a helping hand, please visit our website

Gift of sight

Slide Show at RAJMAAI Convention

My wife and I were deeply honored to be invited by RAJMAAI to their 33rd annual convention in the USA from 9 to 12th August 2024. Both of us made presentations on our work. I had the privilege of sharing the inspiring journey of the Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital and its mission to alleviate blindness in the Thar. Via a slide presentation titled “Gift of Sight” I described the non-profit eye care work we are passionately undertaking in the Thar Desert region of India.

Founded by my father, Dr. N.C. Desai, FRCS, whose unwavering dedication to helping the poor and marginalized populations of this region has been a beacon of hope, the hospital has been a cornerstone of our community for the past 44 years. Each year, we provide free cataract surgeries to thousands of individuals, including children. These surgeries are not just about restoring vision; they are about transforming lives, bringing social and economic upliftment to our patients and their families.

At the conclusion of my presentation, I earnestly appealed to the esteemed participants of the convention to support our non-profit work. Several RAJMAAI members promised to join us in our fight against unnecessary and avoidable blindness.

We are profoundly grateful to RAJMAAI, specially Dr Vinod Sancheti and Dr Bharat Gupta, for extending this invitation to us and for providing a platform to share our mission and achievements. Your support and recognition mean the world to us and to those we serve.

To learn more about our non-profit work and to lend a helping hand, please visit our website.

Eye camp Sajjada

Southeast of Jodhpur lies the village of Sajjada where we organized a medical mission on 27 July. A total of 310 patients were examined and treated on site and 60 were provided low costs spectacles. Eleven patients were admitted for free cataract surgery. Sharing some pictures from the camp. For more on our non-profit work please visit our website

Illuminating Hope Free Eye Camp on 16-7-2024

In our ongoing efforts to combat blindness in the Thar region, we organized a free eye camp at Mai Kadija Hospital on July 16th. Our partner agency for the camp was Al Abbas Education Society, led by Pir Abdul Ruab Chisti. During the camp, we examined and treated over 250 patients, performing 21 cataract surgeries free of charge. Enjoy the photos of the camp below.

Eye camps play a crucial role in reducing the burden of blindness, especially in regions like Thar where the prevalence of visual impairments is already high. By providing accessible and free eye care services, these camps ensure that individuals who might otherwise go untreated due to financial constraints or lack of awareness can receive timely diagnosis, treatment, and even surgeries. This proactive approach not only improves the quality of life for affected individuals but also contributes significantly to preventing avoidable blindness.

Bollywood Connection

In the quietude of our free eye camps, we encounter patients who have weathered the seasons of life, their once-vibrant eyes now softened by the passage of time. These souls, past their prime, carry within them a kaleidoscope of memories—tales spun from the threads of youth, woven with hues of courage and resilience.

Among them, an army veteran emerged from the shadows of history. His eyes held echoes of distant battles fought in the sun-kissed Mediterranean sector during World War II. With each recounting, he painted vivid scenes—the salt-laden air, the camaraderie of brothers-in-arms, and the valor that etched their names into eternity. We listened with reverence, honored to mend the frayed tapestry of his life by providing cataract surgery.

And then, a week ago, Nasir graced our camp—a man who once orchestrated the dance of shadows on Bollywood’s silver screen. In the heady days of the 1970s, he wove dreams for celluloid stars, casting extras like stardust across Mumbai’s bustling studios. His laughter echoed through the corridors of fame, mingling with the glitterati of a bygone era. Nasir’s heart held secrets—the whispered confidences of Dilip Kumar, thespian and legend. Their bond transcended scripts and spotlights, a friendship etched in sepia tones.

As the video below flickers to life, we invite you to witness Nasir’s tale—a snippet of magic, a glimpse into the golden age. Let the video below breathe life into memories, and may you, too, relive the era that dances between its frames.


Free Eye Camp, 4 July 2024

Despite the scorching heat, our free eye camp in Mathania, located 42 kilometers north of Jodhpur, exceeded our expectations. Scores of patients eagerly awaited examination, leading to a remarkable turnout. The outpatient examinations continued until 5 PM, during which we assessed and treated 550 patients. The overwhelming patient influx even caused the registration counter to reach its limit and it had give up registering patients. On-site, we provided low-cost spectacles to 135 patients, while 34 patients were transported back to the base hospital in Jodhpur for free cataract surgery.

Mathania Eye Camp Surgery

At the Mathania medical mission, we selected 34 patients for free cataract surgery. They were transported back to our base hospital 42 kilometers away to Jodhpur. Out of these, 27 patients underwent cataract surgery with artificial lens implantation at no cost. Four patients had uncontrolled high blood pressure despite medication and were referred to a physician for management. Additionally, one patient experienced an asthmatic episode, leading to the postponement of surgery for these five individuals by one week. Here is a group picture of the patients 27 who underwent successful eye surgery and visual recovery.

Please feel free to connect with us if you wish to sponsor an eye camp or wish to volunteer. To learn more about our non-profit work please visit our website

Dusshera Ground Camp

In a compassionate collaboration with the Navsrishti Foundation, we organized a free eye camp dedicated to giving the gift of sight at the Dusshera Ground, Chopasni Housing Board, on 12 March. Sixty-seven patients were screened and treated on site and a trio of patients were escorted to our base hospital, where the promise of clear tomorrows awaited through complimentary cataract surgeries.

These life-altering procedures were graciously sponsored by the magnanimous Mrs. Bhawna Batra alongside her son, Mr. Rajas Batra, whose philanthropy is a testament to the spirit of giving. To weave yourself into this tapestry of altruism and to become a part of our non-profit journey, we warmly invite you to visit our digital abode: www.tarabaieyecare.org. Your support illuminates paths not just for those we serve, but for humanity at large.

Udai Mandir Eleven

Sharing a picture of the eleven cases that received free eye surgery at our Udai Mandir eye camp on 3 March. Our team screened and treated 60 patients onsite at the Udai Mandir Govt. dispensary and bought these eleven patients for free surgery to the base hospital. Dr Joseph Keenan, FRCS a volunteer eye surgeon from Ireland participated in the surgical session too. Thanks to all our donors and supporters who make the gift of sight possible. If you wish to associate with us as a volunteer or donor please visit our website : www.tarabaieyecare.org

Free Eye camps Schedule

Free eye surgery camp


24 December 2023

Village Nimbla

Free eye surgery camp


30 December 2023

Bhagat ki Kothi

Free eye surgery camp


20 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


16 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


15 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


12 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


11 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


9 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


8 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


4 December 2023


Free eye surgery camp


2 December 2023


Ratanada Eyecamp


20 July 2023

Reach out to [email protected] to request a eye camp in your region.

Pratap Nagar Eyecamp


1 July 2023

The camp is for the locality of Pratap Nagar in Jodhpur city.

Gangana Eyecamp


24 June 2023

Gangana is a small village/hamlet in Luni Tehsil in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan state, India.


All Archive Posted

Despite the scorching heat, our free eye camp in Mathania, located 42 kilometers north of Jodhpur, exceeded our expectations. Scores of patients eagerly awaited examination, leading to a remarkable turnout. The outpatient examinations continued until 5 PM, during which we assessed and treated 550 patients. The overwhelming patient influx even caused the registration counter to reach its limit and it had give up registering patients. On-site, we provided low-cost spectacles to 135 patients, while 34 patients were transported back to the base hospital in Jodhpur for free cataract surgery.