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partnership with see international

 SEE International’s Senior International Programs Specialist, Scott Glass, visited the Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital and now has a whole new appreciation, admiration, and love for the vital sight-restoring work that is being achieved with this partnership. 

“One of the most illuminating aspects was realizing how hard our host ophthalmologists work to improve someone’s life by giving them sight. Even if this means traveling far and wide to small villages hours away to find patients in need, bringing those patients back, and operating for 12 hours straight until their hands are sore to make sure all patients are cared for,” Scott said. “It’s more than commitment, it was one of the most impressive human performances I have ever seen. They live for this.”

Volunteer SEE ophthalmologist and board member Dr. Lauren Shatz joined the Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital at an eye camp located in a rural village outside of Jodhpur. Over the course of a few hours, they were able to screen and treat over 150 individuals and identify 26 patients who needed cataract surgery. The hospital then transported these patients back to Jodhpur, where they were operated on until 2am. Patients were then provided with two days of post-op care and transported back to their village.

Programs like these are part of our extraordinary efforts to eliminate preventable blindness in underserved communities; Tarabai Eyecare is so proud to be longtime partners with such incredibly committed humanitarian surgeons who have dedicated their lives to helping those in need.